Improve the firmness of your skin and the definition of your facial features with non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Dr. Lenore Sikorski provides patients with a range of skin-tightening options in Orange County. As a specialist in skin and facial rejuvenation procedures, she and her team will help you:
- Decide whether a surgical or non-surgical approach is suited to your needs.
- Understand the comparative benefits of each of the services we provide.
- Enter treatment with full knowledge of what to expect and confidence in your decision.
Because our practice invests in the latest aesthetic technology, you can expect a more effective treatment, greater comfort, and faster healing compared to traditional approaches.
Deep FX, Active FX, and Scar FX
These all use a powerful and fractionated CO2 laser that works quickly and effectively for a variety of aesthetic needs. It encourages collagen production at the deepest tissue levels, and its advanced CoolScan® technology makes energy delivery more precise and even. This reduces the number of passes required and improves your comfort.
The Benefits of Skin Tightening
In your consultations with Dr. Sikorski and our staff in Laguna Niguel, you will have the chance to ask questions about treatment and learn about the advantages of each approach. We dedicate significant time to helping patients select the right option for their needs.
Our Orange County patients frequently choose skin tightening because it is a non-surgical and effective option for addressing sagging skin. Non-surgical skin tightening will not offer the same level of improvement as surgery, but it also does not have the same downtime.
The skin tightening services we offer provide ongoing benefits. You can expect to see improvement shortly after your treatment, but the biggest changes come months later as new collagen creates firmer and smoother skin. Collagen production can take six months, after which time patients may benefit from a follow-up treatment.
Dr. Sikorski may also recommend skin tightening in combination with a surgical procedure. Integrating both approaches can reduce the scope of surgery as well as your overall recovery time. It can also give you more natural-looking results in targeted areas.
Whether you know the specific procedure you want to explore, or you simply want to learn about the different treatment options available, contact our practice for an initial consultation.
- Noticeable smoother and firmer skin
- Slows aging process
- Little to no downtime
- No visible scars
- Long lasting natural results
- Minimal discomfort
Talk to Us About Skin Tightening in Orange County
Your consultation assessment is with Dr. Sikorski. Fees and procedure preparations are discussed with our patient coordinator, who will detail the surgical experience with you.
Schedule a complimentary consultation for skin tightening in Orange County with Natural Image OC online or by phone.